Pam Farris - Program Planner
After 20 years of teaching art, Pam found a love for mosaics and became a public artist (instead of art just for her classroom.) The goal of her mosaics are to take a traditional craft and elevate it to an art form. Pam's historical mosaics are made with the same supplies and techniques of the Roman and Byzantine time periods. The contemporary and political mosaics she makes are meant to make you think about the meaning and subject and how it relates to the world today.
When she decided to become a public artist, she joined a co-op , Next Gallery in Lakewood. She has a solo-exhibition there annually and says it pushes her to create a unified body of work that show off the art of mosaic.
She chooses to work with small tile instead of stained glass because she loves the beauty of irregular shapes that can fit together to make the image. She also finds the process meditative.
Contact Pam Farris HERE
Visit her gallery HERE
CMA Volunteers

Aliza Spiegel - Co-Secretary
I’ve enjoyed making art in one form or another my entire life. In college I minored in art and fell in love with making stained glass. After 10+ years as a stained glass hobbyist I was introduced to mosaics. Gradually I became more and more addicted to mosaics and now work primarily in that medium.
Email: aliza.spiegel@gmail.com

Anne Phelps - Co-Secretary
I enjoy the bright colors of mosaic materials and the history of this art form, and helping others who also like its beauty and permanence.
Contact: 720-308-8360

Karen Dvorchak - Money Manager
Karen was born in Chicago and has been an artist her entire adult life. She majored in painting at Colorado Women's College and then moved into textiles and finally jewelry design. She created a national jewelry line and sold to stores around the country. She discovered mosaics by accident after viewing a CMA art show, where she realized she had thousands of components from her jewelry line that could be transformed into a fine art piece, rather than just a piece of jewelry. She is a feminist and has a strong passion for women's rights and women's history.
Email: karendvorchak@gmail.com

Felicity Sentance - Exhibits / Shows
Having been introduced to the ancient art of mosaic about 4 years ago after many years in the medical profession, I'm enjoying experimenting with its various facets and the seemingly endless number of materials one can use. In 2023 I moved from Dallas, TX to Firestone, Northern Colorado to be near my son and his family. My daughter remains in Dallas, TX.
Email: fsentance@gmail.com

Bob & Marlea Taylor - PR/Videos/Website
Bob is not a "mosaicist," but more a "facilitator." The mosaic artist and co-Board Member is Marlea, his life-mate for over 50 years. Over a decade ago, she joined CMA and from the start Bob, a "media guy" who'd worked in network radio and television since the 60's, felt compelled to document things with his camera and editing ability. His videos and photo presentations have helped promote the group and the mosaic art form his wife loves.
Now, with all organizations feeling pressure for change or even survival, Bob is trying to help in a more official way as a board member.
Emails: rtaylorden@aol.com marleaden@aol.com